No, it's not my aesthetic
Story time
Day one
Day three
Day seven
Day six
Day five
Day two
Day four
Wednesday: So as the video suggests, i for some reason was a piece of plain paper on my table and thought "yea.. coffee spot". I almost, for a split second, I saw my life flash before my eyes. but the I picked up the cup and we were all Gucci! thankfully nothing spilled on it.
Thursday: It was one if the busier days which resulted in me working, eating and crying on my paper. I feel like i'm pushing my luck, but will that stop me? probably not. damage wise, there were small flecks of pencil crayon on it. Which is {sarcastic} great! i'm not going to get into this right now because I can rant about pencil crayons for a little too long, i'll just say that Prismacolor (😍😍😍) is made out of wax instead of the TOXIC TRASH that Crayola is made out of and trying to wipe away flecks of wax is risky. The reaction to wiping off the flecks and seeing them leave marks behind are the image below 100%
Monday: Yes Monday. Friday, Saturday and Sunday were eventless because I was "working" on an essay and didn't really move the paper. So Monday, the paper was placed in my laptop case and was taken to class with me which resulted in the corner being bent. But like real talk, why did it bend? like excuse me?
Tuseday: A big oof on my part, not gonna lie. I was in my intro to drawing class and needed to test out a colour swatch. I used the paper as a testing ground and regretted it as soon as I found the perfect colour combination. Could I have lied and gotten a new piece of paper? yes. did i? no. i'm not a liar. Remember day one where I said "thankfully nothing spilled on it? forget her, she died. So I said "f**k it" and continued to use the paper for swatches and used it to keep track of the pencil crayons that needed for later.
Below is an online diary that I created to show the journey of a piece of paper in the style of story time Youtubers. I won't spill to much (😂) but this week made me feel like a tired wine mom watching my kids have a tantrum. this diary is to prove to my intro to drawing prof that it's really hard to take care of a piece of paper with out having it slight damaged. is that petty? yes. (*sarcasm warning*)
Wednesday: This day was dedicated to damage control. I put it under heavy things to try and straighten it out. Considered getting a new piece of paper but once again, i'm not a liar.
Thursday: This day was the continuation of the papers demise. Today was the day that the paper ripped. What happened? I'll tell you. I had the paper in my laptop bag with my laptop also in there. Somehow, I managed to sandwich my laptop in between the folded paper. So needless to say. When I pulled the paper out of the laptop case, my laptop was holding it down which resulted in a tear. rip 💔
Monday: The last day. I lost the ripped piece of the paper... but why are so fixated on the past? anyways. I did a side by side comparison of what a normal sheet of printer paper looks like and put it next to mine. The difference is...shocking. Hold onto your sock and make sure your seated.
what have I learned from this?
virtually nothing, stuff happened, i'm not responsible
In closing, I hope you've enjoyed my dramatic vlog style documentation on a piece of paper! Make sure you subscribe and buy my merch! link in bio
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I aLmOsT dIeD! *scary*